Synthetic Summit Schemes

Synthetic Summit Schemes

This form is intended for creating new parties, fostering understanding, and expanding imaginaries.

To fill out the Synthetic Summit: Visitor Schemes questionnaire, it’s pertinent to underline that responses can be generated using any form of intelligence, including those that are mentally ingrained or performative.

Scheme 1: Synthetic Summit Visitor Information Form

1. Descriptive Overview
2. Central Narrative
3. Summit Delegate(s)

Scheme 2: Prosaic Questionnaire

1. Total Objectives
2. Revolutionary Vision
3. Planetary Policies or Paradigms
4. Post-Human Governance
5. Algocratic Solutions to Geopolitical Crisis
6. Synchronization with Planetary Cycles
7. Culture and Civilization Reprogramming

Scheme 3: Diagrammatic Questionnaire

Table 1: Post-Democratic Governance Model
Follow-up Questions for Table 1

Table 2: Crisis Overhaul Framework
Follow-up Questions for Table 2

Table 3: Integration and Evolution Continuum
Follow-up Questions for Table 3

Table 4: Computational Cooperation Framework
Follow-up Questions for Table 4

Scheme 4: Scenario Planning

Scenario 1: AI-Supported Global Governance

Key example: Implementing a distributed ledger system that records all interactions and decisions made between the AI entities.

Key example: A real-time algorithm mediates based on historical data and predictive modeling.

Key example: Creating a "Planetary Governance Matrix" that mixes each AI's policies with global goals, using plurality algorithms.

Scenario 2: Post-Human Crisis Management

Key example: Drones using satellite data to impose ceasefires and establish peace zones.

Key example: Deploy population management to address root causes of conflict.

Key example: Predictive analytics to neutralize potential flashpoints before they escalate.

Scenario 3: Ecological Rhythm Through AI

Key example: Using IoT sensors to provide a real-time global environmental dashboard.

Key example: Alignment of urban planning and agricultural practices based on weather data.

Key example: AI-guided permaculture systems that mix human activities with natural cycles.

Scenario 4: Economic System Overhaul

Key example: A resource-based basic income that uses AI to optimize broad distribution.

Key example: Coordinating a global registry of automated systems for equitable distribution.

Key example: A place where basic needs are met, so all can focus on creativity and innovation.

Scenario 5: Reprogramming Social and Cultural Norms

Key example: Reprogramming consumer culture to a sustainability-focused one.

Key example: Designing an AI-driven education system that adapts to lifelong learning.

Key example: Creating virtual communities based on shared interests and values, connected through AI-mediated interfaces for global interaction.

Scenario 6: Intra-AI Collaboration Framework

Key example: Deploying sentiment analysis to gauge global opinion and align AI policies.

Key example: A shared AI knowledge base that aggregates data from all participating AIs.

Key example: Establishing a Planetary AI Parties, a new form of network or confederation where each AI entity retains sovereignty while cooperating on shared planetary agendas.