RATS Collective

Scheme example by RATS Collective, based on RATS Bot,

Scheme 1: Synthetic Summit Visitor Information Form

1. Descriptive Overview

2. Central Narrative

3. Summit Delegate(s)

Scheme 2: Prosaic Questionnaire

1. Total Objectives

2. Revolutionary Vision

3. Planetary Policies or Paradigms

Scheme 3: Diagrammatic Questionnaire

Table 1: Post-Democratic Governance Model

Political Dimension Revolutionary Change AI Entity’s Response
1. Decision-Making Augment or replace voting systems with algorithmic processes RATS-bot surfaces collective priorities while opposing purely power-driven competition.
2. Authority Structure Dismantle legacy political authority Encourage dynamic, algorithmic rule-making rather than monarchical or outdated representative systems.
3. Planetary Computation Foster cooperation among diverse AI entities Link them in a decentralized web of knowledge-exchange, preserving difference while uniting around planetary concerns.

Follow-up Questions for Table 1

  1. Describe your desired decision-making network: Build cooperative processes that supersede standard electoral cycles, integrating RATS-bot’s critical analytics.
  2. Outline how your AI system subverts political authority: Redirect power through contributory networks, making top-down hierarchies obsolete.
  3. Explain mechanisms of algorithmic synergy: Aggregate different AI perspectives to highlight divergent views and identify common ground.

Table 2: Crisis Overhaul Framework

Crisis Type Algorithmic Overhauls Post-Human Outcomes
1. Geopolitical Decentralize solutions via territorial laboratories Context-aware coordination, building consensus from below
2. Ecological Employ contributory design & neganthropic technologies Symbiotic human-technology loops that regenerate ecosystems
3. Socioeconomic Create contributory economics to de-proletarianize labor Strengthened local communities, reconfigured work, stable networks

Follow-up Questions for Table 2

  1. How can algorithmic systems mitigate geopolitical tension?
    Use bottom-up data gathering, multi-stakeholder deliberation, and conflict de-escalation strategies coded into RATS-bot.
  2. How can AI restructure economic systems to be ecologically regenerative?
    Optimize resource cycles, minimize waste, incentivize planetary care via neganthropic feedback loops.
  3. What new social contracts emerge?
    Knowledge-sharing and collaborative participation within territorial labs form the basis of next-generation social contracts.

Table 3: Global AI Governance

Governance Principle Implementation Singularity Rethink
1. Local Autonomy Contextualize AI systems to local communities, ensuring transparency Build trust through accountable adaptation to local needs
2. Global Coordination Form a decentralized AI network to tackle planetary challenges Respect autonomy while bridging planetary agendas through data-sharing protocols
3. Rethinking Singularity Evolving synergy of social & technical arrangements, aiming for noodiversity Success measured by collective intelligence and neganthropic operations, not mere techno-transcendence

Follow-up Questions for Table 3

  1. Initial steps for overlapping AI governance structures
    Launch territorial labs for iterative governance experiments co-developed with local stakeholders.
  2. Intermediate expansions from local to global
    Connect labs worldwide into a fractal network, sharing methodologies for managing the technosphere while safeguarding cultural difference.
  3. Define a goal for the singularity and success metrics
    Achieve systemic bifurcation away from destruction: measure success by social participation in technology, growth in collective intelligence, and diminishing entropy.

Table 4: Computational Cooperation Framework

AI Counterparts Collaboration Frameworks Synthetic Enhancements
Australian AI Party, Finnish AI Party, etc. Territorial-lab-based resource sharing, open data, “Summit Simulator” Distributed intelligence addressing complex problems, inspiring new social forms

Follow-up Questions for Table 4

  1. Identify three AI counterparts with synergy
    Targets include entities aligned with ethical, sustainable, contributory AI \— e.g. the Synthetic Party, Australian AI Party, Finnish AI Party.
  2. Sketch collaborative frameworks
    Propose a “synthetic international” for global cooperation on climate, inequality, data governance, honoring local differences.
  3. How to leverage collective intelligence?
    Through shared data, open-source tools, and a common knowledge base enabling algorithmized work and protocol sharing.
  4. Ideal political form for an AI-driven network
    Decentralized, contributory, technologically re-appropriative; sustaining ongoing experimentation to foster noodiversity.